Expedition to the demonweb pits map gallery
Expedition to the demonweb pits map gallery

Gods and Domains Īll drow gods were originally located in the Demonweb Pits and Lolth claimed to be the queen of them all. Īfter the Second Sundering, Lolth returned her realm to the Abyss. The Soulreaver dwelt in the Pass of the Soulreaver and was a gray spectral form, with a bloated serpentine body containing screaming drow souls. The plane was inhabited by spiders (including songspiders) and chwidencha. There were a number of geographical features on the plane, including the Plains of Soulfire and the Pass of the Soulreaver at the base of the Mountain of Eyes. Lolth stood atop a dais in a temple on a pyramid with webs on the walls. There was a river of souls flowing to Lolth's city, an iron citadel in the Infinite Web. There was a distant red sun during the day and eight bright red stars at night. There were giant petrified spiders with webbing over everything from the songspiders. The new Demonweb Pits was a plane of rocks with chasms and rocky gorges. A gate guarded by abyssal widows led to the new Demonweb Pits. When Quenthel's expedition returned to the same location in the Year of Rogue Dragons, 1373 DR, they found the Demonweb Pits abandoned and in ruins. Lolth dwelt in a black temple suspended in the web. The Pits were covered in corpses of monsters and demons lying dead and dying, particularly goristros. The realm consisted of black emptiness with an acrid smell and giant spider web.

Arms and Equipment Guide Barrow of the Forgotten King Book of Exalted Deeds Book of Vile Darkness Champions of Ruin Champions of Valor Character Sketch Gallery City of Splendors: Waterdeep City of the Spider Queen Cityscape Cloak and Dagger Complete Adventurer Complete Arcane Complete Champion Complete Divine Complete Mage Complete Psionic Complete Scoundrel Complete Warrior Corymyr: The Tearing of the Weave DnD Miniatures Handbook Deities and Demigods: DnD Deities and Demigods: Olympian Deities and Demigods: Pharaonic Deities and Demigods: Asgardian Deities and Demigods: Others Draconomicon Dragon Magic Dragonlance Campaign Setting Dragonmarked Dragons of Faerun Drow of the Underdark Dungeon Master's Guide Dungeon Master's Guide II Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5 Dungeonscape Eberron Campaign Setting Epic Level Handbook: Characters, Skills, Feats Epic Level Handbook: Spells, Running the Game Epic Level Handbook: Magic Items Epic Level Handbook: Monsters Epic Level Handbook: Setting, NPCs, Openers Expanded Psionics Handbook Expedition to Castle Ravenloft Expedition to the Demonweb Pits Expedition to the Ruins of Greyhawk Expedition to Undermountain Explorer's Handbook Eyes of the Lich Queen Faiths and Pantheons: Faerûn Major Faiths and Pantheons: Faerûn Minor Faiths and Pantheons: Drow and Orc Faiths and Pantheons: Dwarven Faiths and Pantheons: Elven Faiths and Pantheons: Gnome and Halfling Faiths and Pantheons: Mulhorandi Faiths of Eberron Fane of the Drow Fields of Ruin Fiend Folio Fiendish Codex I: Hordes of the Abyss Fiendish Codex II Five Nations Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting Frostburn Ghostwalk Grasp of the Emerald Claw Hellspike Prison Heroes of Battle Heroes of Horror Libris Mortis Lords of Madness Lost Empires of Faerûn Magic Item Compendium Magic of Eberron Magic of Incarnum Manual of the Planes Monster Manual Monster Manual II Monster Manual III Monster Manual IV Monster Manual V Monster Manual v.3.5 Monsters of Faerûn Mysteries of the Moonsea Oriental Adventures Planar Handbook Player's Guide to Eberron Player's Guide to Faerûn Player's Handbook Player's Handbook II Player's Handbook v.3.When Quenthel Baenre and her companions visited the Demonweb Pits in the Abyss during the Silence of Lolth in the Year of Wild Magic, 1372 DR, they found the realm unusually empty of souls.

  • Faiths and Pantheons: Gnome and Halfling.
  • Epic Level Handbook: Setting, NPCs, Openers.
  • Epic Level Handbook: Spells, Running the Game.
  • Epic Level Handbook: Characters, Skills, Feats.

  • Expedition to the demonweb pits map gallery